Saturday, November 1, 2014

Chitwan Safari Tour

Chitwan National Park, arranged in Chitwan is one of the real vacation destination zones in Nepal, owing to the mixture of natural life it has and the warm accommodation and fitting hotel offices in the region. Enrolled by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Nature Site, it has around 600 plant species, 50 warm blooded creatures, 526 fledglings and 49 creatures of land and water and reptiles. A jeep safari or an elephant ride safari is exceedingly proposed to view the different greenery that enhance the 932 territory of the National Park. Paddling over the Rapti and Narayani Rivers are an alternate approach to investigate the area and also the edge of the Park where Tharu groups dwell. With backing from an accomplished naturalist, the Park can likewise be investigated by walking. 

The primary day is used by some elephant ride, wilderness walk and watercraft ride after the landing. An early morning wilderness walk the following day will compensate you with perspectives of diverse flawless winged creatures like the water fowl, Brahminy ducks, pintails, bar headed geese, cormorants, woodpeckers, hornbills, peacocks, peahens, floricans, read headed trogans among numerous others. It is trailed by a 45 moment stroll through woods and fields to achieve the banks of the Narayani River to watch the crocodiles resting along the banks. Perception tower can be gone by next by strolling or by elephant ride. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Jungle Safari in Nepal

Jungle Safari in Nepal 

 It is the most popular Wild Life Safari Park in Nepal.The important factor to The Chitwan National Park is Jungle Safari on elephant back, jungle walk, canoe ride, four-wheel drive etc.Chitwan National Park was declared as Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO.This park is situated in southern central Nepal,covering 932 extending over 4 districts,  Chitwan, Nawalparasi, Parsa and Makwanpur. Chitwan National Park offers a wilderness of rich ecosystem that includes mammals, birds, reptiles and water animals of several kinds. The highlights of this park are the 500 Asian one-horned rhinoceros (One-Horned Rhino) and  some hundred nocturnal Royal Bengal Tigers that live in the dense forests of the park.

The park headquarters at Kasara is 21 km drive from Bharatpur which is 20 minutes by air or 146 km by road from Kathmandu. Another most important factor adding to the chitwan experience is the colorful Tharu Culture, their way of living, culture and  tradition and heart touching Tharu Dance.
Highlights of Safari Wildlife Adventure
Explore the Chitwan National Park
Elephant Safari
Jeep Drive
A jeep drive through grasslands, riverside forests, and Saal forests to Kasara
Elephant Herd
Observe more than 500 Asian One-Horned Rhino and Royal Bengal Tigers
tradition and cultural Stick dance of Tharu people
Boating/Canoeing Trip in Rapti River
Elephant Briefing
Bird Watching
Jungle Walk
Swimming and Elephant Bathing
Visitors can do different entertaining activities from dawn to dusk during your stays at Jungle Safari Lodge. During the day, you will be treated to a whole roster of exciting activities. You can have unique experience of wildlife safari on elephant back enjoying the sights of wild lives in the natural habitats – natural water, deep forest and rich grasslands with the guidance of experienced naturalists and loyal trekkers (guards) to ensure for you full satisfaction and security during safari.
Koshi tappu jungle safari is perfect opportunity to explore the wilderness in the eastern plains. Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve. The reserve was established in 1996 with an objective to protect the wild water buffaloes in the floodplain of the Sapt Kosi River.The Koshi Tappu Wildilfe Reserve is a protected area in the Terai of eastern Nepal covering 175 km2 (68 sq mi) of Wetlandssite from 1987in the Sunsari, Saptari and Udayapur Districts.The reserve has recorded around 439 species of bird variety.Some of which fly all the way from Siberia during winter .A wide variety of Ducks, herons, storks egrets, ibis are seen on the River bank. It has one of the few elephant stables of Asia. Other animals are found here are wild buffalo wild boar, hog deer, spotted deer, blue bell and jackal. Gharial Corcodile and Gangetic dolphin are other attractions. The best time to visit Koshi Tappu is between Octobers to April.
Best Birds
The best bird in Koshi : Swamp Francolin, Black-necked Stork, Lesser Adjutant, Comb Duck, Falcated Duck, Spot-billed Duck, Cotton Pigmy Goose, Baer's Pochard, Bailon's Crake, Ruddy Crake, Greater Painted Snipe, Pheasant-tailed jacana, Yellow-wattled Lapwing, Indian Courser, Black-bellied Tern, Imperial Eagle, White-tailed Eagle, Lesser Kestrel, Bristle Grassbird, Striated Grassbird etc.
Activities in Koshi Tappu wildlife Reserve
River Trips
Jeep Safari
Bird Watching 
Elephant Safari
The jungle along the belts of the Koshi River, part of the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve is known for its richness in birds and other animal species. The river lagoons and wetlands provides excellent opportunity to sight bird life, deer and herds of water buffaloes.Koshi Tapu wildlife is perfect for walking on foot, sightseeing, photography.
Soft Wildlife Rafting 
Taking a raft down the Koshi River is another alternative for exploring the reserve. Here, you can see the water birds or animals off to their daily chores with wonderful sights like Kingfishers diving down the river looking for food, the marsh muggers or the ghariyal crocodiles sun bathing but ofcourse out of reach. You might be lucky enough to spot the rare wild buffaloes. Down the end, at the barrage Gangetic river dolphins could be your best view.
Village walk
This is another interesting activity. The early inhabitants of the region have their own unique way of living not affected by the western influence. Their beautifully decorated homes and their way of living can be an interesting part of the tour. The village is also plastic-free, one of the few environmentally aware and clean villages in the country. The Koshi Tappu Wildlife Camp itself took this initiative towards environmental awareness and preservation.
The SuklaPhanta Wildlife Reserve is a protected area in theTeraiof the Far-Western Regin, Nepal, covering 305 km2(118 sq mi) of open grassland, forests, riverbeds and tropical wetlands in Kanchanpur District.The reserve shares a common boundary with the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh in the south and west which is formed by the Mahakali (Sarda), River, and a major tributary of the Ganges.TheShukaphanta wildlife reserve was established in 1976. 
The jungle safari in the Shukaphanta wildlife reserve is the exploration in the lush pristine subtropical jungle.This is a home to the 268 species of bird, six species of mammal, threatened animals as the high-speed hare, pygmy hog , Snow leopard,  Bengal tigers, rhinos, crocodiles, wild elephants, swamp deer. The reserve also holds Nepal's largest breeding population of Bengal floricans and hispid hare . The Rani tal inside the reserve is one of the attractions for the animals and migratory birds. One can opt out various ways for a jungle safari on the back of the elephant, in the jeep, as well as the on foot. Other ways to view wildlife in the park is by driving in land rovers near the lake and river and on nature walks with trained trackers. 
A total of 24 mammal species was recorded, a total of 350 species of birds of which 180 are breeding species, 14 species of fish, recorded 10 species of ectoparasites and biting flies.Although the area of the Reserve is small, it supports a wide range of biodiversity which is nationally and globally important.
The area has a tropical monsoon climate with four different seasons:winter ,spring, summer and monsoon .The months of December and January are fairly cold and misty with occasional frost.The mean monthly minimum temperature varies from 10 to 12 o C in winter , gradually rising to 17oc in the spring and 26oCin the summer.Over 90% of the annual precipitation fall during monsoon between June and September.Mean maximum temperatures are 40-42°C in summer (April-May), when hot westerly winds of up to 160km per 4hour have been recorded. (Balson, 1976).In February and March ,the maximum temperature rises up to 22o to 25ocC.The relative humidity remains fairly high throughout the the year except in the dry months of the pre-monsoon period.
Some 54.7% of the reserve is covered by mixed deciduous forest, grassland and marsh in the south-west where soils are of recent alluvium. The rest is moist deciduous forest and savanna, supported by the better drained soils on higher terrain in the north-east (Balson, 1976).
The main vegetation types distinguished by Schaaf (1978a, 1978b) are: salShorearobusta forest; salsavanna, which is part of a continuum between climax forest and grassland that is maintained by fire or floods; mixed deciduous forest, which is patchily distributed among the more extensive grasslands in the south-west (sal is absent); grasslands, which may be dry (locally known as phantas) or wet in the case of areas inundated during the monsoon; lowland savanna, which occurs on the fringes of all main grasslands and covers most of KaraiyaPhanta; khair-sissoo forest, dominated by Acacia catechu and Dalbergiasissoo and forming an early succession in riverine areas; and marsh, in which tall dense grasses are predominant (e.g. Phragmiteskarka, Saccharumspontaneum and Sclerostachyafusca).
Birds & mammals
A total of 423 bird species has been recorded. Current checklists include 46 mammal species, of which 18 are protected under CITES such as the Bengal tiger, Indian leopard,Sloth Bear, Swamp deer,elephantand hispid hare. Great One-horned rhinoceros were translocated fromChitwan National Park to establish a third viable population in the country.
The congregation of swamp deer in the reserve's grasslands is the largest in the world .In 1999, there were 1500 to 2000 swamp deer in the reserve.
The Royal Bardia National Park was initially a Royal hunting reserve.The Bardiya National Park is a protected area in Nepal that was established in 1988 as Royal BardiaNational Park covering an area of 968 sq. km(374 sq mi).The Royal Bardiya National Park is situated in the far west terai of Nepal adjoining the eastern bank of the Karnali River and bisected by theBabai River In the Bardiya District. From the wildlife and eco-system point of view, this park is not significantly different than Chitwan but, this is least explored and not crowded, because of it's distance from Kathmandu or from Pokharaand together with the new 550 sq km Banke National Park it protects one of Asia’s largest stretches of tiger habitat. 
Activities in Bardiya National Park: - 
Geruwa River Rafting 
Elephant Safari
jungle drive
Jeep Safari
Guided Walk
Nature Walk
Bird Watching 
Cycling tour to black buck area
visit to Karnali Bridge
Canoeing Trips
More than thirty different mammals, wild Elephant, Bengal Tiger, swamp deer, and Gangetic dolphin.Among these include, Langur monkey, common leopard, Jungle cat, fishing at, large and small Indian civets, mongoose, hyena, wild dog, jackal. sloth bear, otter, porcupine, bandicoots, blue bull (Nilgai), Sambar deer, hog deer, barking dear, wild boar etc. This park is one of the best place to view the most magnificent of cats, The Royal Bengal Tigers. The chance are almost 80% depending on season.
Bardia also has more than 250 species of birds, including the endangered Bengal florican and sarus crane. Gharial and marsh mugger crocodiles and Gangetic dolphins are occasionally spotted on rafting and canoe trips along the Geruwa River, the eastern channel of the Karnali River.current checklists include 407 bird species, among them the Bengal florican, White-rumped vulture, peafowl, and bar-headed geese, which are symbolic of the park. In 1985, two large elephant bulls were spotted for the first time in the park, and named Raja Gaj and Kanchha. They roamed the park area together and made occasional visits to the females. Raja Gaj stood 11.3 ft (3.4 m) tall at the shoulder and had a massive body weight.In April 2000, there were 67 rhinos in the park, most of them resident in the Babai Valley.